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Pro (Bracket Racing 8.00 & slower)
- Pro will be a 1/8 mile bracket class for any VW, Audi, Porsche powered vehicle that dials 8.00 and slower and will use a .500 sportsman tree
- NO DELAY BOXES ALLOWED, transbrake and 2 steps are legal
- Membership is $50

Super Pro (Bracket Racing 7.99 & quicker)
- Super Pro will be a 1/8 mile bracket class for any VW, Audi, Porsche powered vehicle that dials 7.99 or faster and will use a .500 sportsman tree
- Electronics (delay box, transbrake) are allowed
- Membership is $50

All Motor (Heads Up)
- No nitro fuel (m5 allowed)
- No weight limit
- Open to VW, Audi, Porsche powered vehicle with functioning doors.
- Air-cooled must have stock style rear suspension
- $100 protest fee
- Membership is $50

Pro Outlaw (Heads Up)
- Will be a qualified field based on a pro ladder
- Will be run 1/8 or 1/4 mile (event dependent)
- Open to VW, Audi, Porsche powered vehicle with functioning doors. Dune Buggy’s are allowed, dragsters are not
- Door cars must be within 5 inches of factory wheelbase
- No weight limit or power adder restrictions
- Must use stock OEM STYLE transmission case (Power glides, Liberty, etc. are NOT legal, Mendeola, Autocraft are accepted)
- Billet bell housings and cases are legal if they resemble OEM style
- No electronic or air shifters (DSG is legal)
- Membership is $50

Pro Extreme (Heads Up)
- Will be run 1/8 mile at Mason Dixon ONLY
- Will be a qualified field based on a pro ladder
- Open to VW, Audi, Porsche powered or bodied vehicles, no restrictions on engine combination
- Any vehicle without functioning doors must be VW, Audi or Porsche powered. (Dragsters & Dune Buggy’s are allowed)
- No weight limit or power adder restrictions

*No electric vehicles allowed in any Heritage Series class*

*Each racer must have the proper NHRA credentials for the appropriate speed for their vehicle and pass the tracks technical inspection before racing begins. This means current seat belts, helmets and all current safety regulations. *

Points Breakdown
You must be a member who has paid and signed up for the points series to collect any year end payouts or accumulate points. In order to receive points, you must be a paid member prior to the first round of eliminations. Points are awarded to the driver and not a vehicle. This means if you break your car in between events and choose to race another vehicle, you can still accumulate year end points.

Points will be awarded as the following:
- 10 Points for showing up and buying a race day tech inspection card
- Qualifying points will be based on a 16-car field (#1=16 points, #2=15 points, #3=14 points, etc.)(Only for Heads Up Classes)
- 11 Points if you win 1st round, 12 points for 2nd round, 13 for 3rd round, 14 for 4th round
- If completion of an event is cancelled due to rain, points will be awarded based on the last FULLY completed round of competition. If rain comes halfway through round 3, the completion of round 2 is how the points will be tallied up

Connect With Us Today

Welcome to the official web site of the Heritage Series. Which in 2013 and beyond looks to preserve VW drag racing in the North Eastern United States. Our goal as an organization is to give the racers a place to get together, run their cars, compete for generous guaranteed prizes and keep the spirit and passion alive for those who race volkswagen powered vehicles. Join Us Today CLICK HERE